I think of New York City lost in stars
Forgotten as a bluehaired pet of childhood love-
Tonight the night is full;
The stealthy Mayor in his fine discipline
Moves in proportion like a large jewel with furry feet;
Taps his long straight nose through the years of his term,
A ghost with worry-thoughts of city-
Beneath the Washington Square arch he feigns to forget
The new denunciations of the day.
This has never been the Mayor of my city,
Occasionally stopping in a barren area
With magnificent foundations in his eyes.
I have not promised blessing upom leaving Gotham gate;
In lovelier cities I join my dreams in whose care I depend
Though not once owning love to any city but the city of my heart.
New York City. It is fierce now; chariot-locked in the sky
Like a stag scraping its back against mountains.
Fierce as a doleful vision, giving piteous grammercy.
In a dying cat,s Egyptian eyes
The lovely mouse is a man of dreams, so my city:
Dreamy solace of rivers and bridges brightly onionskinned in the night.
Down many urchin avenues
I see the days of my city bearding its face
Its measure of skeleton clanking like a stove
The shell of Death come to navigate a city to the tomb.

William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Alan Ansen i Gregory Corso